Weddings weddings weddings....@ some point in my life i was addicted to it, checking out wedding websites like it was going out of fashion, to say that that i was ready for my wedding and all that was left was the groom will be an understatement, to the extent that i couldn't go for an hour without chirping in on this wedding website or how lovely a bride looks or the fact that i wanted 20 bridesmaids and 20groomsmen(totaling 40) i know sey u think i dey craze but then again a girls got dreams and fantasies..I know for my wedding i want it to be big with the whole feferity, me dancing in to the reception with dbanj live with "fall in Love" and my groom by my side chei Omoyeni oh!!!! and then the fact that i didn't want to be in my wedding dress all day @ the reception, i and hubby would later change into polo shirts with inscription of bride and groom on it and we would dance in again to MR ENDOWED TOH BADDDD!!!!! LWKMD sometimes i crack myself up but all these are possible abi ki le fill???? But as i grew over the years and having talks with friends , family and people alike i found out that i was only ready for my wedding not for my marriage and that is a MAJOR DISASTER but then again with the society around, magazines even parties and weddings i attended and still attend its all about the feferity not to say there is no love involved but how much is involved in everything..Nowadays its all about whose wedding had the best souvenirs, which musician welcomed you in, who was at your wedding,how much your wedding dress cost, the carat tunde or Lamide put on ur finger, the chairman of the occassion, where the honey moon is going to be....After all said and done,the bachelorette parry @ D Marquee is over,honeymoon and the cake from CAKES AND CREAM is done and u don shit am finish.... Going into the KOKO of the matter and you begin to ask AM I REALLY ENDOWED?????Marriage isnt your mtn 1500 recharge card or the the Hip hop awards that lasts for a night, its the real deal..So when we are bout to ask wifey to marry you in the over elaborate proposal(i love lovely proposals sha) and ur about to say yes Lagos bigs girl..ponder for a bit and ask yourself am i getting married because i really love him or because all my friends are getting married,i don do bridal train tire or cuz every aunt and uncle keeps poking me at every wedding saying when will it be ur turn(u can also poke them at every funeral and ask when it will be their turn) or the very famous one Age isn't on my side(cut that bullshit out,i believe Gods time is the best bcos sometimes sis Kate will get married to brother John and realize she married fine man,EXQUISITE TROUBLE)...I have written all of these to write this in as much as the latest fad in Nigeria is marriage we should take time out and really access our priorities....
P.S I absolutely adore weddings and cant wait for the day i will come in for my second appearance with the polo and mr capable on the mic stand with my all time favorites "FEELING IT" and "OMOGE I DON FALL IN LOVE"(Banky Were(mad man) as my papa thought that was what the W stood for..lwkmd
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