I feel really sorry for Omotola now as fans have ripped her apart with their comments.Fine what she wore to the grammy's wasnt it but she doesnt make such blunders na,make una free am.What would we now say of J-lo that the gave best dressed at the grammy's???Omotola looked better abeg...Here as some comments as reported by Vanguard newspapers:
Is like this babe is pregnant cos she has added a lot, well you look good all the same
I can’t believe Omotola wore dis r*bb**h (rubbish) 2 d grammys. like r u 4 real? is dat all she can afford? talk abt dressin 2 suit ur body…her tummy is protruding, her arms r thick…wat ever happened 2 a long gown 2 cover d legs, n did she hav 2 show her black bra like dat? c’mon omotola, i kn(o)w u cud hv (have) done better…u can afford a stylist girl…don’t b a scrooge…
That‘s not the real omotola. This is fake omotola That lady is not omotola. That‘s fake omotola right there.
If na Geni or Rita Domnic walk this red carpet America go know say them come. See the prom gown she s wearing. Pls (please) actors guild should contribute money for her, she needs an emergency lipo- suction. See how ruff her front hair is. And who is this guy grabing her a**
Eye wey see
Bigossip na true u talk. She luk(looks) lik(e) just a house girl. Maybe her husband no allow her go initially but she managed 2 jump d fence wit dat gown. Guy as 4 d grabing a** dat one done pass a** na (sheet box) dem go call mu
This Omotola is looking so aweful (awful)… well, I think say na because she don dey age. I mean, nothing good about Omotola here at all. Wait a minute, why did that guy put his hand on her butt? Naija men, they can’t stop tresspassing.
Where Omotola come throw way her marriage ring put abi she think say we no go see am? Wow, it means she didn’t want people around to know she’s married. I for descipline (discipline) am if to say I be her husband. You are a disgrace to womanhood….looser!!!
Onome-(Dublin Ireland)
Why should Omotola allow that American dude to place his hand on her huge buttocks? Secondly, the mimi (mini) gown she wore is too tight, revealing her shape. She suppose to have gone for a cute dinner gown, she also need to shade (shed) some weight, instead she is adding more flesh. Honestly, am not too impressed.
She look like any other lady on a casual date. Those belly fat needs to be lost. Is not only for her kind of job also for her health wise!!!!!!!!!
Nawa o I saw dat hand on her bum. Omosexy pls give urself (yourself) some respect ur (your) kidz are watching.
How could u? Hope u didn’t tell any body there that u from Nigeria. U look so trashy, ur dress is too short, ur bra is showing, ur hair is messed up, no class at all. Look at ur tummy, when are u going to start dressing according to ur size…I cant believe u did this. Stop calling urself Omosexy. There is nothing sexy about u.
Watsup with that dress? its too short, ur bra is showing, ur hair is messy, no wedding ring on ur finger, another man’s hand is on ur butt, ur tummy is all out, please start wearing clothes that suits ur body. U so classless, not the diva u claimed to be. Very soon Ini Edo will start teaching u how to dress, Hisssssssssssss
How can a decent married and mother dress like this? And how indecent can it be for anoda man put his hand on ur butt like that? And again, u don’t av to wear a revealing dress like that to look sexy. Do you not see how Genevive and Rita dress{sexy and very very decent}.
And again, u avnt (haven’t) got the shape to flaunt for God’s sake. U could be pardoned wearing that kind of dress if ur well trimmed. Omotola God knows I love you to bits. but i get dissapointed with you sometimes. Ur well loved by people,so don’t take that love away pls.
Omotola looks like a big bag of garri. Gosh she looks terrible. Cant imagine how a star of this kind shud look like dis. No wonder nobody noticed her. She probably took the last picture with the guy holding her ass when all the stars had gone
Who invited her anyways and who advised her to wear this number? She looks like a sack of potatoes, Omo, americans white/black are all slim with flat stomach,, she looks terrible.
I think she is pregnant,
Everything I wanted to say has been said. First omotola, pls go and buy ardyss body magic, biko. Secondly loose weight, i mean I’ve seen U slimmer. Thirdly, PLEASE stop embarassing ur husband. He loves U n respects ur chosen path. Don’t abuse it or make him feel s**p*d. U r married. Respect that and finally ,U can try being close friends with Rita D, I’m sure she’ll let U in on some secrets of dressing up.
I think omosexy went to the salon to make her hair and there were lots of people waiting so, she had to start goin cos she wz runing late…As for the cloth, the gown she wz meant to wear, got burnt while the dry cleaner wz getting it ready…so she had to go to a close by bend down boutique to get smthing… but on getting there, they had only size 10 dresses so she had to manage it dt way…Go on omosexy at least u tried..but it jus didn,t work out…hahahahaa
All u guys are just hating I mean omotola is better dan all des girl nd who said ini edo should have came plaease!!! omotola is da best nd i love all her movies so don’t put Ini Edo and Genieve and Rita Dominic omg (oh y God) they are going to ruin it!!! so Omotola was right cominh….
Mama G
This woman was up to something, cos she was wearing her wedding ring on thumb. About the man she was with, trust Nigerians very soon we go hear the story
Very disappointed with Omotola’s dress. This is low class, unsophisticated, cheap, ugly, too tight, poor color coordination and a mis-representation of African movie stars. What was she thinking wearing that garbage of a dress at the Grammy awards, did she think she was attending one of the Nigerians or Gh***ian red carpets? ..Humm unbelievable.
Omotola, you said you used to preach in the bus? where are your christian virtues? you should have done better than dress in this unGodly manner, exposing your inner wear, then allowing another man touch your private part like that.
What example are you teaching your kids and other youths who look up to you as a role model? Please people repent for the kingdom of God is at hand. Fame, money, acting, music, beauty will fade away but your salvation in Christ Jesus is your assurance to eternal life.
Actually, this is not omosexy at her best at all. Her hair undergrowth is showing -look closely. She just was not up to her old usual beautiful self here. and she needs the gym now to shed that weight.
1st she was trying 2 hard to get noticed behind d E! Cameras,but dressed lyk dat maybe dey thought she was smebody’s assistant. Wats wit naija celebs and international recognition? Na by force to be tuface or genevieve? get a life and get a gym membership!
u are a f**l Gene cant stand near omotola we all know dat she has only one child and was fat and ugly with her bum dropping on her legs, it took her years 2 dry out like an okporoko so darlin let gene get married and have three more and u will know omotola is d real deal.
When you put up a headline like Omotola at 2011 grammys it makes readers feel like she was in the grammy hall. Truth is she wasnt. She sat in a hall outside the main grammy award hall and wacthed the occasion like the rest of us on a large screen.
The awards are for a rated musicians, music execs, producers, and their family members etc. even American stars sit in the outside halls because they havent achieved world wide acclaim. This is just a pr thing that went wrong. She travelled to america to sit in the a hall outside the main grammy hall. No wonder she couldnt take any pics with one music star.
27 calibre (Ghana)
Omotola I have been your fun since thykingdom come, well you did not reveal yourself as the real omosexy I know and you are married with kids too ,please next time dress very ,well I hate when people insult you even though I 27 calibre i am a gh***in ,please stop calling her names.
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